Oceania Cat Directory and Kittens For Sale - Page 3
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Kitten Listings
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Directory Listings - Page 3: Results 41-60 out of 112
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Pet Shop Express
Founded in 2005, Pet Shop Express Pty Ltd is an Australian company committed to providing pet supplies to its customers at competitive prices and supported with fast delivery and excellent customer service.
Category: Online Shopping
Region: Victoria, Australia
Regional Category: Victoria, Australia Online Shopping
87 Oak Road
Kirrawee NSW 2232
Pixieroo is the cattery of the Pixiebob cats and kittens of Michael Phillips and Richard Frame. We have our cattery in Sydney, Australia.
We had the honour of having the first litter of Pixiebobs born in Australia. The first owners of a Pixiebobs imported, shown, and titled in Australia.
We have loads of information in our website on the breed, with many photos and articles for anyone interested.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Registries: WNCA - Waratah National Cat Alliance, TCA - Traditional Cat Association, Inc.
Category: Pixie-Bob Breeders
Region: New South Wales, Australia
Regional Category: New South Wales, Australia Pixie-Bob Cat Breeders
www.pixieroo-pixiebob.com/Purshantys Cattery
0437 510 374
Categories: British Shorthair Breeders; Ragdoll Breeders; Scottish Fold Breeders
Region: Western Australia, Australia
www.purshantyscattery.com/Ratchasima Korats
Condong NSW 2484
02 6677 7586
Category: Korat Breeders
Region: New South Wales, Australia
Regional Category: New South Wales, Australia Korat Cat Breeders
www.ratchasimakorats.com/Rislani Siamese & Orientals
0404 666 519
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Victoria, Australia
www.rislani.com.au/Rumplteeza Maine Coons
Yarra Valley VIC
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Victoria, Australia
Regional Category: Victoria, Australia Maine Coon Cat Breeders
www.rumplteeza.com/Sancheita Bengals
0403 483 748
08 8520 2503
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: South Australia, Australia
Regional Category: South Australia, Australia Bengal Cat Breeders
www.sancheitabengals.com/Sandrakat Siamese
Melbourne VIC
Breeding for health, temperament and type. Northern suburbs of Melbourne. Registered GCCFV.
Registry: GCCFV - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy Victoria
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Victoria, Australia
www.sandrakatsiamese.com/Satiny Cats
Registry: NSWCFA - New South Wales Cat Fanciers Association
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: New South Wales, Australia
www.siamesecats.net.au/Siberian Cats of Kywys
70 Saddleback Grove
Wellington 6012
We are passionate about Siberian cats and breeding high standard Siberian kittens. We are not a cattery; we do raise and keep our cats and kittens as part of our family. We breed all colors and patterns.
Registry: CATZ Inc - CATZ Inc
Category: Siberian Breeders
Region: Wellington, New Zealand
Regional Category: Wellington, New Zealand Siberian Cat Breeders
www.siberian-cat.co.nz/Silverado Mist
Mt Helena
9572 1290
Located in Perth, Silverado Mist are breeders of the Australian Mist Cat.
Category: Australian Mist Breeders
Region: Western Australia, Australia
Regional Category: Western Australia, Australia Australian Mist Cat Breeders
www.silveradomist.com.au/Skiboots Snowshoes
Croydon North VIC 3136
03 9728 4085
Cats of distinction. One of Victoria's first registered Snowshoe breeders. Quality imported bloodlines.
Pet kittens come desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, vet checked & registered with FCCV. Show and breed quality kittens available by arrangement.
Registries: FCCV - Feline Control Council of Victoria Inc, GCCF - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy
Category: Snowshoe Cat Breeders
Region: Victoria, Australia
Regional Category: Victoria, Australia Snowshoe Cat Breeders
www.snowshoecats.webs.com/Snowcloud Snowshoes
Perth WA 6014
+41 6979 486
Registered Snowshoe breeder with imported UK lines. First kittens born end of 2011. All are home raised and sold desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, wormed, and vet checked. Currently breeding blue, seal, and chocolate Snowshoes.
Registry: WNCA - Waratah National Cat Alliance
Category: Snowshoe Cat Breeders
Region: Western Australia, Australia
Regional Category: Western Australia, Australia Snowshoe Cat Breeders
Launceston TAS 7250
0438 577 976
Breeding exquisite Oriental and Siamese cats.
We breed for health, temperament and superb type.
Kittens are desexed, vaccinated, and microchipped before being sold to approved homes.
Registries: ACF - Australian Cat Federation, CAT - Cat Association of Tasmania
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Tasmania, Australia
www.tiffyancats.com/Tijah Cattery
Camden NSW
02 4655 6751
041 047 0771
Australian breeder of quality Bengal and Abyssinian kittens.
Registry: TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society
Categories: Abyssinian Breeders; Bengal Breeders
Region: New South Wales, Australia
www.tijahbengals.com/Tirtham Cattery
Jl Palem Hijau 3 No 28
Beverly Lippo Cikarang
17550 Bekasi Jawa Barat
We are a small Maine Coon cattery. We give priority to the quality of our cats. We treat them not just as an animal, but as our pets, our family, and our children.
Registry: CFA - Cat Fanciers' Association
Category: Maine Coon Breeders
Region: Indonesia
Regional Category: Indonesia Maine Coon Cat Breeders
www.tirthamcattery.com/Tomelima Cattery
North Sunshine VIC
+61 (0)3 9311 2486
0408 141657
Categories: Oriental Breeders; Siamese Breeders - Classic
Region: Victoria, Australia
www.tomelima.com/Truly Scrumptious Ragdolls
Kerikeri Northland 0230
09 4078930
021 230 6505
We are registered Ragdoll breeders and breed Truly Scrumptious pedigree Ragdolls.
These kittens are from our beautiful blue point mum and our big blue mitted dad.
Truly Scrumptious Ragdolls are born in our home and not in cages. They live with us on our 10 acre coastal block 30 min north of Kerikeri on the North Island of New Zealand - or sometimes in our other week-day/office house in Kerikeri.
They grow up with lots of other pets and children in a family environment.
We aim to breed healthy, happy, adorable Ragdolls to add to the lives of others and make their lives just as enchanting as ours have been once we were touched by the Ragdoll charm.
We specialize in blues and seals - both mitted and pointed. We take pride in our cats and kittens and want them to go to homes who will truly appreciate the placid, laid back, and friendly nature of our cats and kittens.
We are members of the New Zealand Cat Fancy (NZCF).
We have had comments from vets all over the country on how well "humanized" our kittens are, and also one vet commented that he had never in his life seen kittens so healthy!
Our kittens will have been treated for internal and external parasites before they leave for their new homes and vaccinated. They will also be litter-box trained.
They will be registered and will come with papers.
Our pet-only kittens come with a de-sexing contract.
Discounts are available for two truly Scrumptious Ragdolls.
Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions - Thank you :)
Registry: NZCF - New Zealand Cat Fancy
Category: Ragdoll Breeders
Region: Northland, New Zealand
Regional Category: Northland, New Zealand Ragdoll Cat Breeders
www.ragdollkittens.co.nz/Voodoocatz Bengals
0400 117 821
Wild cats for your home. Voodoocatz Bengals is a registered breeder of high quality Bengal cats and kittens.
Registries: FCCV - Feline Control Council of Victoria Inc, TIBCS - The International Bengal Cat Society
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Victoria, Australia
Regional Category: Victoria, Australia Bengal Cat Breeders
www.freewebs.com/voodoocatz/Wagati Bengals
0419 736 053
(07) 3888 7068
Bengal cats.
Category: Bengal Breeders
Region: Queensland, Australia
Regional Category: Queensland, Australia Bengal Cat Breeders