Nebelung Cat Breeders Directory
Categories > Cat Breeds > Nebelung > Nebelung Breeders
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Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-3 out of 3
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Stella Lupi
Kasterleestraat 148
4826GK Breda
Een kleine cattery voor de nebelung en blauwe rus (variant).
A small cattery for the Nebelung and Russian Blue (variant).
Registry: - NEOCAT
Categories: Russian Blue Breeders; Nebelung Breeders
Region: Netherlands Criddle
Categories: Somali Breeders; Turkish Van Breeders; Nebelung Breeders
Region: Netherlands*PL
02-722 Warszawa
Hobby cattery of Maine Coons and Nebelungs. We are located in southern Warsaw, the capitol of Poland. Our cattery was founded in 2006. We are members of Deutsche Edelkatze e.V., German cat club, associated with the World Cat Federation.
Our cats are from very good lines and have titles – we still show them in international cat shows. As we want our kittens to be strong and healthy, females at Frotka cattery have babies less than once a year.
Registry: WCF - The World Cat Federation
Categories: Maine Coon Breeders; Nebelung Breeders
Region: Poland